Monday, April 20, 2015

Higher Learning.... Let It Go!

Hey loves! This month has been about building some serious momentum. I've been making an effort to step outside of my comfort zone and analyze my habits. Habits that are no longer serving me and habits that are bringing me #higher. To get higher, you must let go of what's holding you down. This can be so many things and sometimes we must really take a step back and ask what we are willing to change.
It's time to free ourselves so we can increase our capacity. 

P.S. Read Show Your Work by Austin Kleon. I have just read it and recommended it to some friends and have been marinating on some of the quotes in this great book. One that has really stood out to me was, in order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen-- really seen".
-Brene Brown. (mentioned during a TED talk).
I recommend it to all artists and creatives, seasoned or aspiring. 

I felt this older piece I did back in January featured in the Type Indicators Group Show, can speak for these thoughts. 

The Capacity of Holding On, 2015.

Original is available and prints are available in sizes made to order. I am willing to discuss pricing and availability via

1 comment:

  1. I think it's so important that you own your truth by posting this! As a fellow creative, I too am working on stepping out of my comfort zone creatively and personally! I am sure there is a direct connection between the two..can't grow without the other right?

    Either way, Thank you for going there and challenging yourself. I look forward to your future posts!
