Sunday, February 8, 2015

Type Indicators Group Show @ Art Helix Gallery

"The Capacity to Hold On" 16" x 30" x 1". Detail.

Before I knew my niche, I knew my values. They were instilled, learned and edited. I learned a lot about 
the mind and wanted to engage in topics about identity and culture. After thinking long and hard I knew illustrative painting was my way. I wanted to say alot but only if i could speak in my language, art. I've been painting and drawing with many goals in mind, one being not to lose myself in the process. I've always kind of held on tight and I'm sure many of you have too. With holding on comes a lot of chain reactions including the possibility of stunting your growth. I can go on forever but I'd rather bring this to my message... I am so excited to share my first experience consigning my work with an art gallery in New York.
Free next Friday night? Stop by the ArtHelix Gallery where I will be showcasing along with 40 artists participating in the Type Indicators Group Show at the Art Helix Gallery. 

Curated by Wilson Duggan, inspired by the Myers Briggs type indicators personality test. 

Visit for the links and press release below for more info on this event.

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